Meet the Board of Directors

The Robin Ames Foundation Board of Directors is comprised of six people who loved Robin. Each of them brings their unique talents and experiences to the team and are all motivated by a desire to honor Robin’s legacy through the work of this foundation. Read about each member here.

  • Karrah Ames

    Karrah Ames resides in Bruceton Mills, West Virginia with her two daughters. Robin and Karrah met freshman year of college and spent the next 18 years together until the date of his death. They curated a life together that was full of intention, adventure, and love.

    My favorite thing about Robin:

    Robin never met a stranger. He was kind, patient, understanding, and civil. He challenged himself and others to be a better version of themselves. He was pure energy and had a thirst for life that could at times be exhausting, but was admired and appreciated by all who knew him. He was brilliant and clever and funny. He was confident without being conceited and vulnerable while being brave. He injected so much light and warmth into our marriage and our family and in raising our two girls, whom he loved beyond measure. He made you feel loved every single day — through his words, yes, but more importantly his actions.

    Why I am on the foundation:

    My life’s purpose is rooted in my family and being a mom to our daughters. I will honor Robin and celebrate him while also bringing awareness to the negligible and preventable driving actions that took him from us. Together, we will make change for the better and foster hope from our tragedy. I know he would be so proud of our efforts and making change in a world in which he thrived.

  • Emily Ames

    Emily (Ames) Mallon resides in Morgantown, West Virginia with her husband Craig and their two daughters. Emily is Robin's older sister; they grew up in the home their parents built on a secluded hilltop in central West Virginia along with their younger brother Morgan. Each of the three siblings moved to a different part of the country for their education and early careers. Morgan stayed in CA, while Robin and Emily gravitated back to Morgantown where they each married and started a family. As the closest of friends, Emily and Robin's young families shared innumerable joyous moments over the years.

    My favorite thing about Robin:

    Robin and I are nearly three years apart, and as we grew older an innate sense of friendly competition developed between us. Robin was both my enthusiastic supporter as well as my primary competitor in all things. We urged each other to do our best professionally, and also physically through workouts and races. On top of that there was always the potential to challenge each other in completely ridiculous ways that would result in fits of laughter. We would compete over who completed a task "best", who finished their ice cream last, and which one of us got to a destination first. Robin shared his drive and sense of excellence with everyone. He had a gentle and fun way to encourage each of us to strive to do our best and to enjoy each moment of the ride.

    Why I am on the Robin Ames Foundation Board:

    I am honored to be on this Board which I see as a fitting way to keep Robin's essence alive. Robin will be with us every step of the way through a variety of community events that inspire fun, athleticism and healthy competition. Raising awareness of the increasing dangers of distracted driving is a primary concern for me. There is an urgent need for this education that can save lives and help other families avoid the lifelong sorrow that results from the preventable loss of a loved one. Robin respected justice and accountability; a position on this board provides opportunities to work for positive changes that honor and share his values.

  • Cate Johnson

    Cate Johnson lives in Morgantown, WV and was Robin’s close friend. They went to high school together in Gilmer County, West Virginia and maintained their friendship through adulthood, both settling in Morgantown. She and her husband Mark and three children all considered Robin family, so much so that he was their only non-family-member always invited to their family reunions.

    My favorite thing about Robin:

    Robin was my safe space. He let people come to him as they were, with no fear of judgement. He embraced people and all their differences without desiring change. This openness led to meaningful, two-way sharing and communication, which is why he had so many true friendships. When Robin passed away, my husband Mark (who also counted Robin as his best friend) said, “Robin was our hundred-year flood.” There won’t be another friend like him in our lifetimes, and so we are forever grateful that our lives intersected during our time here on Earth.

    Why I am on the Robin Ames Foundation Board:

    I am serving on the board because I want Robin’s legacy to reach more than just those of us who were lucky enough to know him. I want the example of his open heart and spirit of adventure to transform our communities. This board’s mission is to raise awareness about the dangers of distracted driving and also to spread Robin’s legacy of goodwill through community projects and scholarships. We want to create an organization that Robin would be proud of.

  • Steve Epifano

    Steve Epifano lives in San Clemente, California and was a classmate of Robin’s at the Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources at West Virginia University. They shared most of their college classes and would frequent many Mountaineer football games together. Steve and Robin remained close after graduation, even though miles separated their families.

    My favorite thing about Robin:

    Robin and I grew up together in the world of engineering. We would sit with a few of his housemates and work through hours of engineering homework together on a giant whiteboard in his dining room. Robin could help anyone understand the hardest concepts without making them feel self-conscious. I have said it before and will continue to say it -- I would not have graduated without Robin’s help throughout school, and I don’t think I ever got to tell him “Thank you.”

    Why I am on the Robin Ames Foundation Board:

    I could think of nothing more honorable than serving on the Robin Ames Foundation Board. I wish we didn’t have to do something to remember Robin, but you work with what you are given in life, so here I am. Robin’s adventurous spirit should be spread as far as possible, while we simultaneously raise awareness surrounding the dangers of distracted driving. Also, it is what Robin would have done for anyone else.

  • Nathan Chase

    Nate Chase lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and met Robin through mutual friends as adults after starting their own families and careers. Immediately becoming fast friends, they shared a love for music, humor, and adventure, whether that be skiing the rugged mountains of Wyoming or racing the winding hills in Garrett County, Maryland.

    My Favorite thing about Robin:

    Robin was the type of friend that would drive an hour simply to say “good luck” to you at the start of a bike race which he did not have time to ride himself. He did not have an unkind bone in his body. Constantly supportive, and always ready for a physical challenge, he could pick you up emotionally (and literally) whenever you might have needed it. His drive and motivation was contagious. It was simply impossible to be in his presence without becoming a better person.

    Why I am on the Robin Ames Foundation Board:

    I am on the Board for many reasons. First, I want to support the cause of fighting against distracted driving so future tragedies might be avoided. I also want to support the loved ones of Robin and let them know that his death may, in some way, benefit the communities in which he lived and rode. I want to remember Robin by speaking of his life and death openly and honestly with as many people as possible. And, finally, I want to engage in activities and projects that both benefit the community and embody the impact Robin had on so many others.

  • Jeff Noah

    Jeff Noah resides in Morgantown, West Virginia with his wife Johnna, their 3 children and was a friend of Robin Ames. Robin and Jeff spent most of their time together skiing the mountains of West Virginia or mountain biking, as they shared a common bond for outdoor adventure. Their conversations were frequently about “the next ski trip.” These chairlift conversations led to a bucket-list-worthy skiing experience in the Grand Tetons with friends.

    My Favorite thing about Robin:

    Robin was a giant. When I first met Robin in my 20s, I was first struck by how easy he was to talk to and how genuinely friendly he was; he didn’t know a stranger. As I got to know him more, I was struck by how much Robin got out of life. He never wasted a day. He did everything and learned about everything. He inspired me to do more outside (ski, bike, climb, and even beer-league softball). He inspired me and others to experience as much as you can while here on Earth. No matter what we were doing, when I spent time with Robin, you felt sense of adventure. Robin missed his calling in sales because of his persistence the second snow began to fall. Robin was also a model husband and father and for that he was admired my many. My favorite thing about Robin was how he approached life – Don’t wait, do it!

    Why I am on the Robin Ames Foundation Board:

    I’m honored to be on the Board to honor Robin, his beautiful family and to ensure his legacy has a positive impact on others’ lives, like he did for mine. One way I’m committed to this is by raising awareness about the dangers and consequences of distracted driving. Everyone deserves to live the life Robin modeled for us. He was taken from us and his family too soon, but he’d want his legacy to be one of impact, action and adventure. I’m excited to share Robin’s life with the world, through action.

Honorary Board Members

Morgan Ames

Morgan Ames resides in Oakland, CA and is Robin’s youngest sibling.